Here is a quick list of some of the sites I've built. This list is by no means exhaustive. There are many more - including intranet/extranet and form-based websites which are not public. Scroll down the page to have a look. If accessible - some have since become redundant as businesses close and situations evolve.
Feel free to gimme a buzz on 0402 573 580 or contact me here to have a chat about your project... Always looking for new projects!

An extensive searchable library of media queries for Department of Water and Environment Regulation. Built for members of the entire department's Media team to share and discuss media content.
This is not a public site. Please contact me for more info.

An extensive searchable library of media queries for EPA Comms team.
This is not a public site. Please contact me for more info.

Office of the Appeals Convenor WA
Worked closely with the AC office to rebuilt this ancient website and database from scratch. Included a comprehensive database overhaul of thousands of pages and files.

DWER WA Publications Log
An extensive searchable library of publication data for Department of Water and Environment Regulation. Built for the Comms team to share files.
This is not a public site. Please contact me for more info.

Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority
This is by far the biggest project I've built. The WA EPA contracted me to redevelop their aging website. Took almost 12 months to complete. The site has over 3000 nodes of content, 5000 files, including over 1200 proposals. With at least 10 content types, hundreds of taxonomy categories to organise the content, the project is ongoing.

Bough House Construction - Fremantle

Pink Lake Analytics - Western Australia

D & L Building Services

Lynn MacLaren, MLC
Lynn MacLaren served in the Western Australia Parliament from 2009 to 2017.

Said Poets Society

D & L Electrical

Out in the Paddock - Catering (Adelaide)

Physcom: Physics education (Murdoch University)

Kabuki Fashion Boutique

Sustainable Urban Nutrition

Gypsy Tapas House

Jake Steele Audio

WA Forest Alliance

Tash Adams - Writer

Deaths in Custody Watch WA

Liberty Fashion Boutique Blog

Learning and Attentional Disorders Society
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