About Allan Boyd and radicalhack.com

Oh Hi, I'm Allan Boyd. I run this Radicalhack thing.

I am often asked: "What do you mean by "radicalhack? It sounds scary, man!"

But all I mean is: radical : going to the root, origin or source to seek solutions; and hack: to manipulate/write software code. In other words, I design and develop web projects from the ground up - with YOU - the USER in mind.

I build websites for actual people on the actual internet who actually use websites - not developers!

I'm based in Perth Western Australia. I've been building websites since 1998 - from the tiniest one pager, up to a massive site like the Australian Greens and the WA EPA and other WA Government web projects.

In 1998 I discovered how to hack together basic html websites using tools like Publisher and Dreamweaver, eventually hard-coding PHP with MySQL databases and then getting involved with the Drupal Content Management System.

I love fresh, responsive, clean, easy to navigate, user-friendly sites.

I've lost count of all the sites I've made.

I love building the internet!

No job is too big or small.

Check out my examples page for a taste of some recent sites.

I also build intranet sites, where organisations can easily and privately share information - these aren't available publicly.

Feel free to get in touch to find out how I can help you with your project.

I can cater for any budget...

I am currently an undergraduate at ECU studying Cyber Security BSc.

Allan Boyd
Ph: 0402 573 580
